Protection Grades

Demex products give you peace of mind during the day and during the night.

Demex develops, produces and maintains perimeter protection solutions and security products of the highest quality. Our tailored comprehensive solutions offer optimum security according to our tried and tested perimeter protection philosophy.


Perimeter protection according to Demex' unique philosophy consists of five elements

These elements are carefully attuned so that they complement and reinforce each other.

  • Deter; a barrier at the perimeter makes potential intruders change their minds, e.g. by means of a fence.
  • Detect; in nine out of ten situations, a burglary will be aborted if the intruder knows that he or she has been spotted.
  • Delay; the right measures ensure that intruders cannot get into your property as fast as they would like to.
  • Take action; electronic signalling warns and enables rapid follow-up of burglary.
  • Control access; an adequate access system provides optimum control and supervision of the flow of inbound and outbound goods and people.


Demex Protection Class 1 is used in areas where burglary does not pose a particular risk, but fences and gates are mainly used as boundary demarcation, to show where the property begins and ends. Area protection systems will have a low deterrent effect against possible burglary or unauthorized access


Demex Protection Class 2 is used in areas where delimitation is important and where there is a higher requirement against burglary and theft. It is also used in areas where access to the protected areas can lead to personal injury or death.


Demex Protection Class 3 is used when burglary and theft become a serious problem. Access, control of people, vehicles and goods are controlled by automated access control systems. The system is designed to protect the area by deterring, delaying and detecting any burglary attempts and where access to protected areas can lead to injury or death.


Demex Protection Class 4 is used when burglary and theft become a critical problem and the protection of the content is very important. Accessibility for authorized persons, vehicles and goods is controlled by automated access control systems. The system is designed to protect the area by deterring, delaying and detecting and taking action against possible burglary attempts and where access to protected areas can lead to injury or death.


Demex Protection Class 5 provides the highest level of security in areas where potential burglary poses a serious risk, and is designed to provide complete peace of mind even if there is a potential risk from the outside and inside of the property. The system is designed with an access control system that is used to control access for people, vehicles and goods in and out of the area. It will use all five aspects of Demex’s proven area protection philosophy: deter, delay, detect, take action and control access to protected property with maximum effect. The system will be designed after consultation with the police, insurance companies and professional security companies to provide an area protection that meets the requirements for each individual location.


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Protection Grades

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