Demex values

Our values permeate everything we do.

Demex’s values are the principles the company believes will promote its success and the success of its employees. They are the basis of what we do and how we do it, and they identify Demex as a unique company. The following values guide our business:



We believe that honesty is the best policy, and we will treat all customers, suppliers, and business partners fairly. We will not compromise our integrity and ethics for the sake of profit.


We believe in the value of helping others, and we will always strive to help our employees, our business partners, and our society.


We believe in running our business in a well-ordered and well-organised manner.


We believe that our work will become more rewarding and more fun if we are pleasant and friendly to each other and to those we do business with.

Initiative and responsibility

We believe in the value of taking initiative and responsibility in our day-to-day work as a way of developing ourselves and our abilities


We believe that competence is always appreciated and admired and will therefore always work hard to improve our skills and the level of competence in our work.


We believe in humility and avoiding extravagance and wastefulness.



We believe in the value of hard work and in doing our best in everything we do in life and at work.


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