Unrecognizable person putting their finger in a fingerprint scanner

Exploring the Future of Physical Access Control: Insights from the 2024 HID Report

The landscape of physical access control is undergoing significant changes, and the newly released 2024 State of Physical Access Control Report by HID, in partnership with IFSEC Global, sheds light on these transformative trends. This comprehensive report, based on a survey of over 1,200 security professionals conducted between November 2023 and January 2024, highlights five key trends that are shaping the future of the industry. Let’s dive into these insights and understand what they mean for the evolution of access control systems.


1. The Rise of Mobile Access and Digital IDs

Mobile access credentials and digital IDs are making waves in the access control sector. According to the report, nearly 40% of organisations are now leveraging mobile identities, reflecting a shift from traditional physical ID cards. Among the notable trends, touchless and contactless solutions are leading the charge, with 48% of respondents highlighting their growing importance. This shift towards mobile and digital solutions underscores a broader movement towards more flexible and convenient access methods.

2. Open Standards Driving Smart Buildings

The integration of open standards is a key driver in the evolution of smart buildings. Nearly half of the surveyed organisations (48%) utilise access control and badge scanning systems to monitor building usage throughout the day. This integration not only enhances security but also optimises building operations. The report indicates that smart buildings and flexible workspaces are among the top trends influencing the access control industry, with 43% of respondents emphasising their significance. Additionally, the integration of access control with other business functions is gaining traction, reflecting a holistic approach to building management.

3. Sustainability Influencing Business Decisions

Sustainability is increasingly influencing decisions regarding access control systems. The report reveals that 63% of respondents note that those responsible for sustainability are either consulted or have some level of influence when it comes to upgrading access control systems. This trend highlights the growing importance of aligning security infrastructure with sustainability goals, ensuring that environmental considerations are factored into technology investments.


4. Artificial Intelligence Enhancing Analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent in access control systems, with 38% of organisations exploring the incorporation of AI and machine learning technologies. However, there is a mix of certainty and uncertainty regarding the benefits of AI in this context. While AI promises enhanced analytics and efficiency, organisations are still evaluating its potential impact on their access control solutions.

5. Biometrics Market on the Rise

The biometrics market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by advancements in technology and increasing adoption. The report forecasts that the global biometrics market will reach $136.18 billion by 2031, with facial recognition technology alone expected to grow from $3.83 billion in 2020 to $16.74 billion by 2030. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16% from 2021 to 2030. The growing emphasis on contactless biometrics solutions reflects a broader trend towards more secure and user-friendly access methods.

Overall, the report highlights significant trends that will shape the future of access control. At Demex, we’re committed to staying ahead of these developments and integrating innovative solutions to meet evolving security needs.

Organisations must stay abreast of these trends to remain competitive and ensure their access control systems are aligned with the latest developments. As we move forward, these insights will help guide strategic decisions and investments in security technology, paving the way for more efficient, secure, and sustainable access control solutions.
Stay tuned for how we continue to adapt and lead in the dynamic world of physical access control!
Exploring the Future of Physical Access Control: Insights from the 2024 HID Report


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Exploring the Future of Physical Access Control: Insights from the 2024 HID Report

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